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Aviso legal

Legal information about the website and its owner

Passé Composé, SCP is the exclusive owner of this website; unless expressly stated otherwise, the ownership of all intellectual and industrial property rights of the contents of this website corresponds to
Passé Composé, SCP.
In compliance with Law 34/2002, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we inform you of the following information:
NIF: J-66301227
C / Bonsuccés, 12 08001-BARCELONA
Telephone: (+34) 933 012 237
Any natural or legal person who accesses the website (the user) must use it, as well as its contents and / or services diligently and in accordance with the content of this Legal Notice.
By accessing this website, the User agrees to accept and apply all the terms of this Legal Notice.

Industrial and intellectual property

The contents of the website (URL), both texts, images, graphic design, source code, logo, trademarks, etc., are the exclusive property of Passé Composé, SCP and are protected by the regulations governing Intellectual and Industrial Property, remaining the reproduction, modification, distribution or manipulation of the same is prohibited.

Privacy and data protection policy

The data that you can provide us through our website will be treated in accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law on Protection of Personal Data (Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13) and, where appropriate, will be integrated into an automated file called "users", whose owner and manager is passé composé, SCP, which is registered with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection. At no time will your data be disclosed to third parties.
Passé composé, SCP will establish the technical and organizational measures necessary to guarantee the security that the automated files, treatment centers, premises, equipment, systems, programs and people involved in the automated processing of personal data in the legally and statutorily foreseen.
In accordance with Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, those affected may exercise their rights (ARCO) of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition indicating name and surname and with a copy of their DNI / Passport or NIE to the following address :
Passé Composé, SCP
Bonsuccés, 12
08001-BARCELONA (SPAIN) or by email:

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